2.01 Jason Porterfield // Fight Like Jesus

Presenting Sponsor: Alan and Beth Stanfield, Stanfield Properties

Jason Porterfield joins us to kick off season two! Jason’s first book, Fight Like Jesus, is available for preorder on his website, jasonporterfield.com. In his book, he talks about the injustice in our world and biblical peacemaking in the midst of it.

In this first episode of the season, we talk about the concept of power. What is power?  How did Jesus encounter power? How did Jesus use power? How do we see power playing a role in American church culture today?

Jason proposes that if we truly want to be peacemakers, we can start by studying the greatest peacemaker’s greatest week; we can examine the choices Jesus made in the week leading up to His death. On Palm Sunday before Jesus’ death, the Bible says He was weeping – because the people had missed the point of peace.  We are still missing the point of peace today.

Jesus sets the example for us about how to view and use power. Philippians 2:6 says that Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped – when He alone had the right to consider Himself equal with God.  Listen to this episode to hear what this looks like in marriage in parenting.

As Jesus was dying, he said, “Forgive them for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34), Jesus demonstrated forgiveness while standing against abuse. It is important to hold forgiveness and justice in tension simultaneously.  

So what does peacemaking look like within systems of power abuse based on the example of Jesus?  Listen to this episode to find out!

Music by Kate Short; Instagram @kate_tshort

Gold Sponsor Lary’s Designs

Silver Texan Bank and Ink’d Designs and Funky Monkey

Bronze Judy Wiggins, Allstate

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Show notes were written by Sarah McDuffee, Marketing Director: Robyn Boren, Social Media Manager: Molly Baize

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